Purchasing a fixed annuity shifts the risk for future investment returns to the insurance company and could help create a pension-like income stream for retirement.
Nearly 60% of U.S. adults are uncomfortable with their level of emergency savings. Here are some potential ways to access funds.
Being named as the executor of an estate is generally an honor but settling an estate can be a difficult and time-consuming job. This article provides an overview of typical executor responsibilities.
While traditional economic models assume that people make rational decisions, most humans don’t think like robots. This article summarizes some common biases that can influence financial decisions.
Estimate of the maximum amount of financing you can expect to get when you begin house hunting.
Calculate the rate of return you would have to receive from a taxable investment to realize an equivalent tax-exempt yield.
Use this calculator to determine whether you qualify for the different types of IRAs.
How much will it cost to pay off a loan over its lifetime?